The Principles That Guide Us
It’s all for the next generation.
We ask “Is it good for the kids?” Yes always equals action.
Agriculture and nutrition education are treated as academic subjects.
Experiential learning on farms, food science literacy, S.T.E.M. competency, and agriculture’s contribution to student's’ well-being are offered cost-free and are adopted as part of the school’s core values.
Provide students with the opportunity to thrive and learn on farms.
It is vital for school children to have a visceral understanding that the food on their tables is rooted in the abundance of local farms.
What students learn to respect they protect. Growing food is part of our heritage and it is our hope for the future.
Education leads to emphatic preservation.
Connect the greater community to the local hands which feed them.
Provide an educational platform where growers and community members come together to educate and learn about issues facing agriculture in the 21st century.
Our Core Values
We are passionate about farming & agriculture. It is in our blood; stamped in our DNA. We are driven to educate and inspire others by bringing our vision and mission to life every day.
Work Ethic
We work hard. We roll up our sleeves. We get our hands dirty. We are gritty and get results. We make things happen - individually and as a team with integrity and initiative.
We say what we do and do what we say. We do the right thing every time. We are trustworthy and reliable. We keep our vision, mission, and values at the core of what we do, in all that we do, always.
We are humble. We are grounded. We are simple and informal. We pride ourselves in being down to earth and approachable. We are stronger as a team.
We emit positive energy. We inspire others. We demonstrate ownership and accountability. We collaborate to make the biggest impact possible. We understand the impact of our words and actions.
Life-Long Learning
We are open-minded and industrious. We are constantly learning and growing. We share our wisdom and learn from others. We value different perspectives.